About Us.

Be passionate! Dare! Feel Special

Our story.

Norlandia Hotel Group is part of the Adolfsen Group. Adolfsen Group, which is a grouping of all engagements that the brothers Kristian A. and Roger Adolfsen are involved in.

The brothers’ interest in hotel management started already when they were growing up, where the brothers worked at the family’s hotel, Andrikken Hotel in Andenes. 

When the hotel was no longer owned by the family at one point, the brothers were determined that they would one day buy the hotel back. They did that at the start of the 90s and it would turn out to be the start of what would eventually become a hotel chain, Norlandia Hotels.

Gradually this has developed, until today with Norlandia Hotel Group, which is a large multi-brand hotel player. Viedere, the Adolfsen Group is involved in a number of other engagements within ski resorts, cabin rental, cabin development and more within tourism and travel. 

A complete overview can be seen at

Norlandia Aboutus Andrikken
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Operational Excellence in the way we think and act

Our vision.

Our vision is a guideline for everything we do. We work continuously to optimize all areas within hotel operations. All our managers and employees, focus together and separately, on taking care of what is good and improving what can be better.

Take guest experience to the next level

Our expertice.


Reporting and good routines provide us with effective cost control. Along with the hotel directors, we strive to ensure that the hotels benefit from the well-established routines and systems of the group. Some of our functions are good terms and conditions, financial reporting, ongoing forecast development, and results and liquidity follow-up.

Administration, operations, maintenance and development
Good hotel administration, operations and maintenance demands structure and planning for measures to be taken. We must maintain central expertise that can assist the hotels in always preserving good conditions and qualitatively good operations. We take care of systems that assist the hotels in their daily maintenance, while having the expertise to work on larger projects.

We place importance on our hotel directors working independently. Within their framework, they are given the freedom to change and accommodate the hotel to be the best for our guests and optimal operations. The operating directors, who formally serve on the board of directors, follow up the hotels based on the needs they, along with local
management, find to be purposeful. This can include areas such as staff, maintenance and development, suppliers, budgets, forecasts and market-based measures.

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Our employees are our most important resource

Human Capital Index.

Our coworkers are the most important part of our value creation. Their skills, friendliness to the customer, energy, attitude and ability to resolve situations make our guests feel welcome, making them return to our hotels.

The Human Capital Index (HCI) is our anonymous employee survey, and is sent to all our employees biannually. HCI is primarily a barometer for our employees, and a tool to strengthen the working environment and employee well-being.

How well employees can do their jobs is often contingent on their satisfaction, their sense of being seen, and that they receive feedback and the necessary equipment. This again influences our results.


ESG Responsibility.

By navigating the complexities of business today, we can have a  meaningful and sustainable impact on tomorrow.

We strongly believe that investing in a sustainable future is good for the planet and good for business. ESG stands for Environmental – Social – Governance and is about operating to a set of standards that help combat global challenges that have an impact on the future. With socially conscious choices and corporate policies we can help lead the way through climate change, regulatory pressures and demographic shifts for a better tomorrow.

New risk factors have gained focus on a global scale and sustainable choices play a part of the complexities of doing business. Companies need to adapt to a fast changing world and help take responsibility for generations to come.

We are all part of this planet and safeguarding the environment is, and will continue to be a crucial part of doing good business – for us, for the planet and for the future.

Read more about our ESG commitment here.    

Silhouette two children planting at sunset.Concept of world environment day.
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Leadership Programmes

Talents at Work.

Recruiting skilled managers is a continuous challenge in the hotel industry. We know however, that there are always managerial talents in our hotels. Talents that should are highlighted and offered opportunities for further development in the group.

By recruiting future leaders from our own ranks, we will get people with energy, courage and the right attitude, which we can shape according to our culture.

The learning style is mainly based on conventional classroom teaching, as well as group work and self-study.

The academic content will be based on all the elements of modern hotel management and the lectures will be given by internal as well as external people.

It is laid up for project-based group work between sessions. All the content of the program will be chain-neutral, as NHG currently operates hotels with several different brand names.


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